20 Dec 2011

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Negotiate - wikiHow

15 Dec 2011

Mark Zuckerberg is TIME Magazine's Person of the Year? Where's the "dislike" button? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

Mark Zuckerberg is TIME Magazine's Person of the Year? Where's the "dislike" button? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

by Matt Lee and John Sullivan Contributions — Published on Dec 20, 2010 03:11 PM

TIME Magazine praises Mark Zuckerberg for creating a system that has connected people around the world with each other.

As for Person of the Year, we couldn't find the dislike button on Facebook for TIME's choice, so we made our own. Here's our version of the magazine:

Unfortunately, the terms under which he claims to have done this set a terrible precedent for our future — for our control over the software we use to interact with each other, for control over our data, and for our privacy. The damage is not limited to Facebook users. Because so many sites — including TIME — use Facebook's user-tracking "Like" button, Zuckerberg is able to collect information about people who aren't even users of his site. These are precedents which hurt our ability to freely connect with each other. He has created a network that is first and foremost a gold mine for government surveillance and advertisers. Read more...
Not f'd — you won't find me on Facebook