It’s a plain and simple fact, working on the
go can involve a lot of technology. Every
application (or “app”) these days seems
to have migrated to a mobile version of
software that used to be confined to the
desktop PC arena as recently as a decade
Today we are never much more than
a short skip away from a keyboard or
touchscreen of one form or another,
so the question of how we stay secure
while working on the move has become a
popular talking point.
go can involve a lot of technology. Every
application (or “app”) these days seems
to have migrated to a mobile version of
software that used to be confined to the
desktop PC arena as recently as a decade
Today we are never much more than
a short skip away from a keyboard or
touchscreen of one form or another,
so the question of how we stay secure
while working on the move has become a
popular talking point.
Staying secure – and of course we mean keeping your ‘data’
secure – is not just about protecting your files and folders
from malicious hackers; staying secure is also about securing
your computer, tablet PC and smartphone’s defenses against
identity theft, phishing scams and the many methods that
purveyors of malware will typically use to take up residency on
an unsuspecting user’s computer.
secure – is not just about protecting your files and folders
from malicious hackers; staying secure is also about securing
your computer, tablet PC and smartphone’s defenses against
identity theft, phishing scams and the many methods that
purveyors of malware will typically use to take up residency on
an unsuspecting user’s computer.
Anti-virus protection
should be a prerequisite for
every user, whether they
predominantly use their
machine for business or
personal use. But technology
without common sense is like
a car without petrol -- and
there is plenty you can do
to protect yourself just by
being aware of the risks of
“computing in public” so to
Computing in public
So many people cause
themselves unnecessary
amounts of stress while
working on the go, but there
are simple ways to make your
life easier and safer. AVG’s ten
top tips for effective mobile
working should be learned by
heart, or bookmarked at the
very least!
1.Count the items you take
out of your bag out and
count them back in if you
are working while on public
transport -- don’t forget your
power cable or any other
important item!
2.Think about where you
are sitting and whether
anyone can look over at your
screen -- this might sound
like an obvious thing to point
out, but thieves steal credit
card PIN numbers by looking
over peoples’ shoulders all the
time, so what details do you
have on your screen?
3.As use of personal
mobile Wi-Fi hotspots
grows, users should not be
tempted to connect with
an apparently free wireless
connection in a public place
unless it is advertised by
the web café owner etc. If
you don’t know where your
connection comes from, then
you don’t know what you are
connecting to.
4.Shut down your
Bluetooth connection
(unless you need it) when
working in a public place.
So-called ‘Bluejacking’ and
‘Bluesnarfing’ attacks are
not the biggest information
security risk around, but they
are a consideration to be
aware of.
should be a prerequisite for
every user, whether they
predominantly use their
machine for business or
personal use. But technology
without common sense is like
a car without petrol -- and
there is plenty you can do
to protect yourself just by
being aware of the risks of
“computing in public” so to
Computing in public
So many people cause
themselves unnecessary
amounts of stress while
working on the go, but there
are simple ways to make your
life easier and safer. AVG’s ten
top tips for effective mobile
working should be learned by
heart, or bookmarked at the
very least!
1.Count the items you take
out of your bag out and
count them back in if you
are working while on public
transport -- don’t forget your
power cable or any other
important item!
2.Think about where you
are sitting and whether
anyone can look over at your
screen -- this might sound
like an obvious thing to point
out, but thieves steal credit
card PIN numbers by looking
over peoples’ shoulders all the
time, so what details do you
have on your screen?
3.As use of personal
mobile Wi-Fi hotspots
grows, users should not be
tempted to connect with
an apparently free wireless
connection in a public place
unless it is advertised by
the web café owner etc. If
you don’t know where your
connection comes from, then
you don’t know what you are
connecting to.
4.Shut down your
Bluetooth connection
(unless you need it) when
working in a public place.
So-called ‘Bluejacking’ and
‘Bluesnarfing’ attacks are
not the biggest information
security risk around, but they
are a consideration to be
aware of.
5.If you have to use a
“public” (or kiosk)
computer then make sure
that you never access your
online banking details, make
electronic purchases or enter
ANY personally identifiable
information (including your
address) on the machine. Be
equally careful on your own
laptop if using public Wi-Fi.
6.If your smartphone has
Internet access, have
you enabled filters and other
on board protection barriers?
Similarly, turning off GPS
capabilities can also limit
location-trackers attempting
to connect with your phone.
7.Don’t ask a stranger to
“look after” your laptop
while you use the restroom
or go to the bar in a web café.
Similarly, keep your laptop
bag close to you throughout
an evening event if you have to
keep all your equipment with
8.Password protection
should be enabled on
your laptop and smartphone
-- and 12345678 or password
or admin are not sensible
passwords. Opt for an
alphanumeric mix with
special characters in upper
and lower cases such as
9.Make a note of
your smartphone
manufacturer’s emergency
phone line so you can call
them to have your phone
immobilized in the event of a
10.Most important of
all, make sure that
you have a fully updated
anti-virus suite installed
and fully operational on your
PC at all times. Protection
should cover not only Internet
security for web browsing, but
also firewall technology, email
defences and shields to guard
against threats carried via
Instant Messenger services.
At work
The common sense guide
to working on the go
All of this advice should take you no more than a few
minutes to think about and no more than a couple of clicks
to bring into action. We’ve called it our common sense guide
because these actions should become as natural as closing
the lid on your laptop once you have finished working. Why not
share them with a colleague and keep a friend safe too?
“public” (or kiosk)
computer then make sure
that you never access your
online banking details, make
electronic purchases or enter
ANY personally identifiable
information (including your
address) on the machine. Be
equally careful on your own
laptop if using public Wi-Fi.
6.If your smartphone has
Internet access, have
you enabled filters and other
on board protection barriers?
Similarly, turning off GPS
capabilities can also limit
location-trackers attempting
to connect with your phone.
7.Don’t ask a stranger to
“look after” your laptop
while you use the restroom
or go to the bar in a web café.
Similarly, keep your laptop
bag close to you throughout
an evening event if you have to
keep all your equipment with
8.Password protection
should be enabled on
your laptop and smartphone
-- and 12345678 or password
or admin are not sensible
passwords. Opt for an
alphanumeric mix with
special characters in upper
and lower cases such as
9.Make a note of
your smartphone
manufacturer’s emergency
phone line so you can call
them to have your phone
immobilized in the event of a
10.Most important of
all, make sure that
you have a fully updated
anti-virus suite installed
and fully operational on your
PC at all times. Protection
should cover not only Internet
security for web browsing, but
also firewall technology, email
defences and shields to guard
against threats carried via
Instant Messenger services.
At work
The common sense guide
to working on the go
All of this advice should take you no more than a few
minutes to think about and no more than a couple of clicks
to bring into action. We’ve called it our common sense guide
because these actions should become as natural as closing
the lid on your laptop once you have finished working. Why not
share them with a colleague and keep a friend safe too?